Every Grange has projects that it carries out to meet community needs. Grange efforts aim to make the community a better place to work and live in. Grange members strengthen the Grange organization while carrying out purposeful community service.
The Dartmouth Grange Community Citizen Award
First, looking outward, the Dartmouth Grange honors people or organizations in Dartmouth and the surrounding area for their work helping others. The following people or organizations have received the Dartmouth Grange Community Citizen Award over the years:
1998 Norma Vaz 1999 Kevin Lee 2000 Pauline and Nelson Riding 2001 Leslie Badham (DNRT), Dr. J Greer McBratney 2002 Mrs. Brenneke and the boys 2003 Sue Guiducci 2004 Ed Pimental 2006 Stanley Goldstein 2009 Amy Thurber YMCA Sharing the Harvest Farm Project, United Way of Greater New Bedford Hunger Commission 2010 Paul LaVasseur 2012 Sue and Neil Van Sloun 2013 Derek Christianson 2014 Albert E. Lees III 2015 Fred Dabney 2016 Gabrielle Monteiro Susan Murray Wood 2017 Eva Sommaripa 2018 Dartmouth Historical and Arts Society 2019 Meatworks USDA-inspected meat processing facility Steve Wallach, educator at Friends Academy Lu Yoder, innovative agricultural machines fabricator 2020 Anne Goodman-educator at Potter Elementary School in Dartmouth Ray Raposa & Tina Nowell of Hay Ray's Farm & Feed in Westport- agricultural supporters Helfand Farm Community Gardens-volunteer-run agricultural nonprofit in Dartmouth
Community Knitting
The Dartmouth Grange accepts donations from knitters and crocheters who make warm hats, scarves, etc. for people who need them. Donations go to organizations nearby and farther away. A donation box is found in the entry hall of our Grange Hall. Items may be brought to any of our Grange meetings. If desired, write us a note so we know who was kind enough to make a donation. Thank you for helping our Grange help others. Questions can be directed to Elizabeth Newton at 508-636-4920.
The Dictionary Project
Dartmouth Grange purchases and hands out an individual dictionary to every third grade public school student as a way of encouraging the development of good reading habits and verbal comprehension skills early in life.
Film & Potluck Series
Scheduled for the first Friday of every month from October to April, Dartmouth Grange hosts a potluck dinner and film to provide the community with an opportunity for fellowship while extending a special invitation to our Friends the Farmers. Film selections often educate and entertain within the realm of agriculture, reflecting it's 150 year interest. Free to the general public. Doors open at 5:45 p.m., potluck begins at 6 p.m., movie begins at 6:45 p.m.